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  • Writer's picturePiri


Updated: Aug 13, 2020

When your whole house is neutral, but you really love colour, you might need a helping hand... and that's why I'm here. Love and more than happy to help!

Welcome back to my blog. We are back on with the DIY projects at Zoe's and Martin's. There was a lot to do in this room, and only a small budget... I bet you can relate to that!

Design with Ease

“Use Pinterest to find ideas and pin away! There are so many things that you can create. One idea leads to another and before you know it, you've got a completely different look for your room that you keep falling in love with over and over again!”

I've got 228 Pins for Colour Palettes on my Pinterest board, which I've sent over to Zoe. Overwhelming you might think, but trust me, you will instantly see what's for you. There are colour schemes that speak to you more than others and when you are ready I can help you narrow it down to that one scheme. Zoe was very kind to me and she's made her mind up within 5 minutes.

Create your action plan

Ok, so first things first, before you would start painting your walls and run off to do all your exciting shopping, make sure you sit down and create a list of must do's and set your budget! There is no point buying the gold candle stick holder if you've got holes in your floor.

The Must Do List:

· Move boiler out

· Create stood wall to accomodate a small hallway

· Move radior

· Replaster/skim walls

· Strip door and re-paint/wax

· Install new laminate flooring

· Double bed and piano must stay in this room

Once you start writing down all the little/bigger projects, you can actually see that what you thought it's a quick renovation, can turn into quite a sizable project - especially when you are taking on most of it as a DIY - and you can see, how your budget needs to be spread between all these jobs. If your budget is low, you need to make decision very early on what your money is going to be spent on. It is your money that you've worked hard for, so get quotes for things that you are not qualified to do (such as relocating the boiler) or not confident enough to DIY. Set aside some money, but only, and only once the above are all done you want to start spending money on the fun things - aka fancy cushions and throws, curtains and accessories.

I love getting progress reports! Wall plastered, floor installed and look at that face seeing the colour on the wall! When you are used to light neutrals, it can be scary to paint a whole wall in a darker colour, but Zoe and Martin trusted me and went ahead with it and they are loving it! And what's not to love? It's a great backdrop, a brilliant colour and makes all the other colours pop!

Give the bed a headboard

“Got some pallet wood, sanding paper and leftover paint? You are good to go ”

Who said that if your bed comes without a headboard you can't have one? What happens if there is no space for your headboard? Or do you need fancy new shiny one? I'm happy to tell you, the above bed came without a headboard and there was no space for it either (as you may have noticed the bed takes up half of the room and it just fits in between the two walls) and to top it up, there was definitely no budget for it, but the room needed one!

Picked up some pallet wood (for free), nailed them together, used some leftover paint and varnish and mounted it on the wall! Yes, it was that simple and it brings that little bit of rustic look into the room that was needed to tie in with the theme of the rest of the house.

Tell your friends and family about your project and save money!

There are so many good people out there, who genuinely want to help where they can, so do yourself a favor and get people involved. If nothing else, one of your friends might have a pair of curtains that's been hardly used, and it is in the right colour for your scheme. We all keep buying cushion covers and throws because that's the easiest way to change up your space. I used to do this for every season, but now I've settled for blue, because let's face it, blue is an amazing colour and who am I kidding, I just love blue and that's the colour that speaks to me so why am I spending all this money on things that are on show for a couple of weeks and then end up in a box in the cupboard and on a decluttering day, they will just end up in a charity bag? I have now started to take pictures of all things ready for donation, so my friends can come and pick it up if they are on a hunt anyway. I find this a great way to not only declutter my home, but also save some money for my friends. Fun fact: Zoe actually only had to purchase the small rug and 2 cushion covers for this room. We've picked up the picture frames from a car-boot sale for 50p, painted them and I've added some black and white watercolour art that I just happened to do myself cause why not?! As she says: " I like doing things Piristyle"

Are you ready for your project? I'm only a message away to help you create your space!

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